Bioinformatics training: a global survey of training needs

Vicky Schneider, Michelle D. Brazas, Angela Davies, Fran Lewitter, Teresa K. Attwood, GOBLET Consortium


DOI: 10.7490/f1000research.1115324.1

Published: F1000Research Bioinformatics Education and Training Collection


The demand for bioinformatics training is fast outstripping the pace of global training provision. Students and researchers at all levels of the career path are discovering that they lack the skills necessary to analyse and interpret their data effectively. This situation has been fuelled by the closure of many bioinformatics degree programmes, leaving educational gaps to be filled with short, geographically dispersed training courses.

In 2013, the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) and GOBLET (Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training – surveyed bioinformatics training needs amongst life scientists, aiming to gain a global perspective on bioinformatics training needs. Surveys were distributed to the SEB and GOBLET communities, and the outcomes were compared. The results are presented here.